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Pebsham Primary Academy is part of The Kemnal Academies Trust and has Academy status.  Therefore the Academy Trust is the admission authority for the school. 

Admission Number

There is no proposed change to the admission number. The Governors intend to admit a maximum of 30 pupils to Reception Year in September 2025.

Application process for children entering Reception  

Applications, for the September 2025 intake (Academic year 2025/26) should be made using the East Sussex County Council’s application procedure. Parents can apply online at www.eastsussex.gov.uk. The closing date for Reception Year applications is 15 January 2025. 

Late Applications 

Any application that arrives after the closing date of 15th January 2025 for entry in September 2025 will be dealt with after the main allocations have been made. These late applications will be placed on the waiting list for the Reception Class.  At this point the oversubscription criterion (see below) applies and the child at the top of the waiting list will be offered a place should one become available.

Oversubscription Criteria 

If there are more applications than places available, the criteria below will be used to determine which children are offered the available places, and will be applied in the following order of priority:

  1. Looked After Children and Adopted Children.

Looked After and adopted children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or subject to residence orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following being looked after, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted 

  1. Children who will have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission.

Children are siblings if they are full, half/step, adoptive or foster brother or sister living in the same household.  

  1. Children who have siblings attending Glyne Gap School

Children are siblings if they are full, half, adoptive or foster brother or sister living in the same household who will be attending Glyne Gap School at the date of the applicant’s entry to Pebsham Primary Academy in Years R – 6 of the Academy. 

  1. Currently employed staff’s children

Currently employed staff’s children, if they are full, half/step, adoptive or foster children, living in the same household as the member of staff.  

  1. Other children 


In the event of a tie-break, the child living closest to the academy will be given priority for admission. Distance is measured from the child’s home to the front gates of the academy in a straight line.


Waiting Lists

The Academy will operate a waiting list for each year group. Where in any year the Academy receives more applications for places than there are places available, a waiting list will operate until the end of the first term after the academic year has commenced. This will be maintained by the Academy and it will be open to any parent to ask for his or her child’s name to be placed on the waiting list, following an unsuccessful application. 

Children’s position on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with the oversubscription criteria. Where places become vacant they will be allocated to children on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.

Application for a place in the school during the academic year may be made directly to the school or through East Sussex County Council’s application process available at www.eastsussex.gov.uk.

Where the Academy is unable to offer a place because the Academy is oversubscribed, parents have the right to appeal to an independent admission appeal panel.

Primary appeals

Wednesday 16 April 2025 - Decisions released

Tuesday 20 May 2025 - Deadline for submitting appeals

Throughout June until Tuesday 22 July 2025 - Appeals to be heard


Appeals Process Documentation can be found here